Grand Theft
Auto 5, known as GTA5 in my opinion is the game of the year. This game was
launched in stores September 17 and before it came out they made 2.5 million
dollars from pre orders. GTA5 wasn't just a normal game, it was a big deal to
all gamer's! Last time a GTA game came out it was in 2008 and that was the 4th
one so it's been a while since we've seen a Grand Theft Auto game.
The one
thing that impressed me was how different it was compared to the other games.
This GTA you were able to play as 3 different characters such as Michael,
Franklyn and Trevor. They were all different types of characters so you got a
taste of every diverse lifestyle. Michael was a rich man who is going through a
midlife crisis and having family issues. Now for Trevor who is my favorite character,
he is a reckless, ugly and dirty country boy always makes me laugh. He has no
fear and wants to do anything that involves explosions and shooting. Also, Franklyn
a man from the hood finding ways to make money so he can get out of the hood
and live that high life. I liked the way they chose the characters, it was cool
how they have different options in this game and how you can play with the one
character that you think is more fun.
As I was
saying this video game was my favorite game of the year and probably will still
be my favorite till there's another GTA that's is as good or even better than
this one. Everyone that pre ordered GTA took the risk of buying the game before
seeing how it although they had made a fantastic choice. I remember waking up
early one morning and before going to school, Walmart had just opened 30
minutes ago and there was only one copy left. And that's a store where no one
usually goes to buy video games compared to best buy or future shop. This goes
to shows how popular and good this game was.