Monday, March 31, 2014

Kinect Traning

Would you believe me if I said a video game could get you that amazing body you've always wanted! Well there's finally a game like that, called Kinect Training is fun and it does make you break a sweat. Weights aren't necessary but you do receive a free personal trainer that's pushing you threw each workout. Making sure you get all the techniques right.

In my opinion, everyone that wants to get in shape or stay in shape during their off-season of a sport should buy this game. You have a selection of 3 goals to obtain in Kinect Training: Get Strong, Get Lean and Get Toned. Each of theses workouts are based on plyometrics. For people that are wondering what's plyometrics it is know as jump training. It's a different way to workout while barely ever using any weights. Some of the major athletes in the world use plyometrics to train their sport. Soccer, Rugby, Racket Sports, Martial Arts and basketball, all of theses sports make use of plyometrics. Basically any sport that has constant moving could be benefit with plyo. This proves that Kinect Training is getting you ready to lose all that weight and become the athlete you always imagined to be.

One thing that caught my attention, is how every week the workouts are getting more intense, to help you obtain your goal you have chosen. Who would want to repeat the same exercises over and over again it just won't be any fun. With Kinect Training it gives you a different variety of workouts such as, you have upper body core and lower body workout. Also, have you ever imagined we would find a fitness workout in technology of virtual gaming because I didn't. Although, once it was released it wasn't that big of a surprise, there was plenty of criticism because of all the glitches. For example, the off seconds, if u moved to the left it would take a second for the kinect to register that movement. Later on, Kinect Training has overcome all the glitch problems like the off seconds movements and was able to release the game October 30, 2012.(1) No doubt in my opinion it is the best Kinect game so far. For those people that want to workout at home and not buy a gym membership and pay that monthly fee you should get this game!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Grand Thef Auto 5


Grand Theft Auto 5, known as GTA5 in my opinion is the game of the year. This game was launched in stores September 17 and before it came out they made 2.5 million dollars from pre orders. GTA5 wasn't just a normal game, it was a big deal to all gamer's! Last time a GTA game came out it was in 2008 and that was the 4th one so it's been a while since we've seen a Grand Theft Auto game.

The one thing that impressed me was how different it was compared to the other games. This GTA you were able to play as 3 different characters such as Michael, Franklyn and Trevor. They were all different types of characters so you got a taste of every diverse lifestyle. Michael was a rich man who is going through a midlife crisis and having family issues. Now for Trevor who is my favorite character, he is a reckless, ugly and dirty country boy always makes me laugh. He has no fear and wants to do anything that involves explosions and shooting. Also, Franklyn a man from the hood finding ways to make money so he can get out of the hood and live that high life. I liked the way they chose the characters, it was cool how they have different options in this game and how you can play with the one character that you think is more fun.

As I was saying this video game was my favorite game of the year and probably will still be my favorite till there's another GTA that's is as good or even better than this one. Everyone that pre ordered GTA took the risk of buying the game before seeing how it although they had made a fantastic choice. I remember waking up early one morning and before going to school, Walmart had just opened 30 minutes ago and there was only one copy left. And that's a store where no one usually goes to buy video games compared to best buy or future shop. This goes to shows how popular and good this game was.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

NBA 2K14

2k14 was another outstanding game 2kSports has created. It is known to be one of the best sports video games for the last several years. This game was detailed to the point where tattoos where exactly perfect compared to the athletes. The little things matter for 2K14 like the shoes the athletes wear where in the game. But this video game for PS4 and Xbox One is not the same for PS3 and Xbox 360. The gameplay and graphics are much better especially for the My Career feature on the game and many more. If you are looking for a sports game I highly recommend you to purchase this game.

My favorite part of the game would be the visual effects, NBA 2K has always provided in my opinion the best graphics for a basketball game compared to NBA Live who is a Rival of 2Ksports. For Xbox One and PS4 2K has put a lot of work in their designs such as the characters are so realistic compared to any sports game out there. Also, 2k scanned 80% of the leagues current players (1), and the level of details they created of each player and the coaches  faces are amazingly perfect. Furthermore, players like LeBron James and Kevin Durant who are the most popular players are more detailed compared to others like Terrance Ross and Mo Williams. The only reason I think why they do that is because players like LeBron and Kevin are used more in the game.

To conclude, this game was incredible! I consider NBA 2K14 one of the best sport games that came out so far. For many reasons such as how realistic it looked and all the new cool features it has. It's a game you should try out and I promise you, it will be worth the money you spend to buy it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Have you ever been so bored that you think nothing would satisfy you? We'll you should try and play video games! There are plenty types of games to decide in such as sports, shooting, fantasy, dance, etc. Video games have come a long way since today. Adults use to sit down at a computer screen and play Donkey Kong. The newest-generation gaming consoles are as powerful as computers, and you can accomplish many of the same things as a computer. And today's games are increasing the realistic graphics of the games make it seem like your in it. Social networking has even joined it's way into the video game industry with online gaming were the whole world could compete and play together.

You have many choices of videos games to choses from. That's what I love there's a huge selection your not limited to one single games. After beating one I can find another game and begin another journey to finish it. I believe video games also get better every year, the quality of the game, gameplay but my favorite is the storyline of the games and that's why I'm so obsessed with videos games to see what happens next!

The beauty of video game is that they never get old, everyone reading this has probably played Grand Theft Auto San Andreas that's a perfect example. The graphic aren't the greatest compared to today's games, but the storyline and missions were so fun that I could replay this game plenty of times. 

Every week I'll be posting a blog talking about the videos games I play and tell you the gameplay and quality of them and what I like or dislike about them. Also what some have an common with others.